Jesse Jokes / Recent Jokes

by Scott Corliss
1. The Communist Manifesto as read by Ronald Reagan

2. The Torah as read by Louis Farrakhan

3. The Koran as read by Sammy Davis Junior

4. The Bible as read by Madeleine Murray O'Hare

5. Walden as read by James Watt

6. The Anarchist's Cookbook as read by Theodore Kaczinsky

7. How To win Friends and Influence People as read by Dennis Rodman

8. Europe on $10 a Day as read by Steve Forbes

9. The Godfather as read by John Gotti

10. Mr. Boston's Bar Guide as read by Ted Kennedy

11. Heather has 2 Mommies as read by Jesse Helms

12. The Diary of Anne Frank as read by Jesse Jackson

13. The Physician's Desk Reference as read by Dr. Jack Kevorkian

14. Catcher in the Rye as read by Mark Chapman

15. Uncle Tom's Cabin as read by George Wallace

17. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus as read by 2 Live more...

Knock Knock
Who's there!
Jesse who?
Jesse if you can recognize my voice!

In a recent speech, Hillary Clinton apologized for her husband's comments about Obama at the South Carolina primary, where he said Jesse Jackson also won South Carolina when he ran for president, seemingly belittling Obama's success.

"I want to put that in context...We can be proud of both Jesse Jackson and Senator Obama," Hillary Cliton said.

"But that doesn't mean we can't beat them like a slave who just learned the alphabet."