Brisk Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    One brisk day in fall, on his first day as a law student at a small law school in a small town, John drove his car down the street, when he came upon a barrier blocking his entry to a street he wanted to go down. A police officer was standing in front of the barrier, directing traffic.

    "Excuse me, Officer," John called. "I need to go down this street."

    "Well, you can't," the police officer replied. "There has been an crime committed here, and this street is off limits." John acquiesced, and turned down the side street.

    However, a few minutes later, John was back, this time on a bicycle.

    "Can I pass through if I am on a bike?" he asked.

    "I don't think you understand," the officer replied. "You are not going down this street on any vehicle of any kind."

    "OK," John said, and left. However, a while later, he was back, this time on foot. He tried more...

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