Bandlow Jokes / Recent Jokes

Mrs. Bandlow says to her husband,....."I had the strangest dream last night. It was Christmas, and our tree was decorated with all kinds of penises. White ones, black ones, circumcised and uncircumcised, big and small. And on the top of the tree was the *perfect* penis."
Mr. Bandlow says, "I bet that one was mine?"
She says, "Sorry, honey, it wasn't."
He says, "You know, it's weird, but I had almost the same dream. A Christmas tree decorated with pussies... shaven and unshaven, thin and thick lips, scented and unscented... and the one on the top was the *perfect* pussy."
She says, "I suppose that one on the top was mine?"
He says, "Nope. Yours was holding up the tree!"

a couple gets married. 40 years later, they're in
the same hotel, in the same room. She takes off
her clothes, lies down on the bed, spreads her
legs.. . and he starts to cry. she says, "What's
the matter?" he says, "40 years ago i coun't wait
to eat it, and now it looks like it wants to eat
When do you know you're really ugly?
Dogs hump your leg with their eyes closed.
Leeds is drinking all afternoon and suddenly
pukes all over his shirt. He slobbers, "My wife
is gonna kill me." The bartender says, "Put a
twenty-dollar bill in your top pocket and tell
your wife that a drunk threw up on you and then
gave you the twenty bucks to get it cleaned." He
agrees it's a great idea. When he gets hime, he
walks in, tells her the story, and hands her more...