Antoinne Jokes / Recent Jokes

One day, as Pierre was sitting on his porch, he saw Antoinne coming down the road with a bag in his hand. "Hey, Antoinne! What do you have in the bag?" Pierre asked.
"I have cats in the bag," replied Antoinne.
"Why do you have cats in the bag?"
"I'm going to use them to catch the catfish."
"Antoinne! You don't use cats to catch catfish!"
"Wait and see, Pierre."
That evening, Pierre was sitting on his porch again and saw Antoinne coming back up the road with a bag. "Hey, Antoinne! What do you have in the bag?"
"I have catfish in the bag! I used the cats to catch them!"
The next day, as Pierre was sitting on his porch, he once again saw Antoinne coming down the road with a bag in his hand. "What do you have in your bag today, Antoinne?"
"I have rats in the bag!"
"What are you going to do with the rats?"
"I'm going to use them to more...