Yeast Jokes / Recent Jokes

I found the following professionally printed handbill posted on a door
in the Georgetown physiology department.
Did you know?
150,000,000 YEASTS ARE
Come to the award-winning 1987 film,
"The Very Small and Quiet Screams"
- a cinematic electromicrograph of yeasts being baked.
"A must for those who care about yeast,
and especially for those who don't."
Evening showing in Johnson & Wales
Pirsig Auditorium: 7PM, 4/19
Brown Anaerobe Rights Coalition (BARC)
Student Bakers for Social Responsibility
Coalition for the ELevation of Life (CELL)
Campus Crusade for Fetal Matters
Defend all life: "from greatest to least, from human to yeast!"
This poster printed on 100% yeast-free paper.

Q: What do you call a bunch of blondes with yeast infections?
A: A wine and cheese party!

Why does your sister have yeast and shoe polish for breakfast? Because she wants to rise and shine.

A small twin-prop commuter plane was hijacked by a desperate animal rights extremist who vowed to kill one of the passengers to demonstrate his serious intentions. There were two passengers present, a microbiologist and a yeast geneticist. The hijacker gave each one two minutes to explain why they shouldnt be killed. The microbiologist (who studied bacteria) talked for 1 minute 59 seconds explaining that he studies bacteria, bacteria are model organisms for the study of genetics and physiology etc. etc. and finished with an emotional, bacteria-laden plea which had the hijacker in tears. When he was done, they turned to the yeast geneticist who said, "let me explain to you why yeast genetics is an important discipline..." but he was interrupted by the microbiologist who exclaimed "Shoot me! Shoot me!"

Yo mama's so smelly, she gets sourdough yeast iinfections.