Wank Jokes / Recent Jokes

This wind-up article appeared recently in an American magazine. It was taken seriously by a lot of people...

The Brits have peculiar words for many things. Money is referred to as "goolies" in slang, so you should for instance say "I'd love to come to the pub but I haven't got any goolies." "Quid" is the modern word for what was once called a "shilling" - the equivalent of seventeen cents American.

If you are fond of someone, you should tell him he is a "great tosser"- he will be touched. The English are a notoriously tactile, demonstrative people, and if you want to fit in you should hold hands with your acquaintances and tossers when you walk down the street.

Since their Labour government whole heartedly embraced full union with Europe the Brits have been attempting to adopt certain continental customs, such as the large midday meal followed by a two or more...

Michael Jackson was in a room bumming George Michael. Suddenly Michael Jackson said 'I have to go now, but i'll be back in five minutes, whatever you do don't wank.' At that, Michael left.
Five minutes later Michael returned to find cum all over the ceiling and walls. 'What the hell happened here, I told you not to wank.' But George replied 'I didn't; I farted'

Q: Why is having a wank like eating McDonald's? A: Because it's always exactly the same and afterwards you?.swear you'll never do it again.

A new priest is being given instructions on what to do when he takes confession. The older priest tells the new man, for things like stealing, give 5 hail mary's, and for sleeping with the neighbours, 10 hail mary's. So the new priest is taking confession one day. The first man in tells the priest he slept with the woman next door. The priest tells him to do 10 hail mary's and he's on his way. The next man in, confesses to having a wank behind a bush. Somewhat puzzled, the priest steps out of the confessional box and asks two passing alter boys what the "old man" gives for a wank behind a bush. The two boys reply, "A can of Coke and a Mars Bar."

Q: Why is having a wank like eating McDonald's? A: Because it's always exactly the same and afterwards you?. swear you'll never do it again.