Nate Jokes / Recent Jokes

A road crew is making a giant freeway, when they come across a sign and a lever. The sign reads "pull lever and end world". The workers decide not to pull the lever just in case.
One night, a man named Nate is driving home. He does not see the sign, so he gets out of his car, and crosses the road to pull the lever. But, on his way there, he was run over by the car, and was never to be seen again.
The moral of the story?
Better Nate Than Lever!

A road crew is making a giant freeway, when they come across a sign and a lever. The sign reads "pull lever and end world". The workers decide not to pull the lever just in case.
One night, a man named Nate is driving home. He is very drunk and is just about to hit the lever when he flies off of the road and explodes.
The headlines in the newspaper the next day all read... "better Nate than Lever"!

A road crew is making a giant freeway, when they come across a sign and a lever. The sign reads "pull lever and end world". The workers decide not to pull the lever just in case.One night, a man named Nate is driving home. He is very drunk and is just about to hit the lever when he flies off of the road and explodes.The headlines in the newspaper the next day all read... "better Nate than Lever"!

A truck driver is heading west across the Arizona desert. He has been driving all night, and as the sun starts to rise, he feels the need to stop and commune with nature. He pulls to the side of the road, parks, and walks out into the sage brush.
As he is standing there, looking around at the beauty of the early morn, he notices a lever sticking out of the ground. After a few moments, he walks over, walks all the way around, and then reaches out to grasp the lever. Just as he does, he hears a voice say, "Don't touch that lever."
The driver jumps about two feet off the ground, and as he comes down, he looks around. No one is to be seen. Thinking it was just his imagination, he again reaches for the lever. Again the voice yells, "I said don't touch that lever!"
Being more prepared, the driver senses the location of the voice and looks down under a sage brush. There he sees a small snake.
The driver, in much astonishment, said, "Was that you that more... Oregon mayoral election went to a runoff after neither Warren Nate nor Charles Lever emerged with a majority of the votes. In the runoff, neither candidate got the required 50% of the vote, so the city council chose the next mayor. By a 6-3 margin, Warren Nate was chosen mayor. Outgoing mayor Ronald Vorhees was pleased with the selection, saying "Better Nate than Lever."