Jonny Jokes / Recent Jokes

One day little jonny was out flying his toy airplane while his mom was in the kitchen doing the dishes, vroom all you stupid muther fuckers getting in, get in on the right, all you stupid muther fuckers getting off get off at the left, well his mother heard him and said JONNY get in here stand in the corner and think about what youve said, so he stands in the corner for a half hour and his mom came to him and said have you learned your lesson yet and he said yes, ok his mom said you can go out and fly your plane noe, vrooom all you nice people getting on get on on the right, all you nice people getting off get off on the left, and if your wandering about the half hour delay ask the bitch in the kitchen

The class has started and almost all the students were
in-class, prepared to expand their knowledge.
The teacher walked in and said, " Good morning class!"
and the students replied....
The teacher called out each student.
The replies were, "yes Ms. B" or "here" or "present" or
"taking a dump" or "absent"...... but for some reason, when the
teacher called out Jonny, there was no reply....
...... and there appeared our little Jonny at the door.... he
gave an innocent look.
Teacher: Jonny, why are you late?
Jonny: Ms. B, I was on top of Cherry Hill...
Teacher: Have a seat Jonny.
The teacher continued with the attendance..... and when she
called out Mark...... once again there was no reply.....
...... and there was Mark, right at the door with torn clothes....
Teacher: Mark! Are you OK?
Mark: Yes Ms. B....
Teacher: Now, what is your reason more...

If jonny cracks corn and no one cares why is there a song about him?

One day, a little girl was going to Sunday School, when she saw little Jonny.
Nwo, Little Jonny always had trouble staying awake in class, so the little girl decided to help him.
The Sunday School teacher asked, "Who was the greatest man that ever lived?"
The little girl poked Jonny in the back with her pencil, to which he replied, " Jesus Christ!"
"That is correct, now sit down and no yelling."
The teacher then asked, "Who was the man that died on the cross for us?"
The little girl poked Jonny in the back again, to which he replied," Good Lord!"
"That's correct. NOw sit down and stop yelling."
Then she asked, " What did Eve say to Adam after they had their 32nd child?"
once again the little girl poked Jonny in the back to which he replied," If you stick that thing in me one more time, I will grab it and break it in half!"

Teacher: Jonny Why Are You Doing Maths On The Floor? Jonny: Teacher You Only Told Me To Do It Without Using Tables!