Hack Jokes / Recent Jokes

Hack comics worldwide were in mourning at the news of Steve Irwin's death. A release from the hack comics union read "This is but a cog in the hack comic gear of life. We still have Pacino, Schwarzenegger and Walken impressions and if those fail I have one word for you "Lewinsky". We'll be fine."
Rumors abound that Crocodile Hunter wasn't killed but was trying to kill himself when he heard one too many open micers begin their set with "Can you imagine if the crocodile hunter was a gynocologist.....I think it would go something like this."

Billionaire and former member of The Beatles, Paul McCartney, (who did you think I was talking about when I said billionaire and Beatles? Ringo?) is splitting from his wife, Heather Mills.
(Now here comes the hack.) When asked about Paul's fortune, she said she made a great living before Paul as a model and she can go back to modeling... she's thinking of starting a line of designer SHOE (singular), or following her passion for cooking and getting a job at the I-HOP. And there you have it. Primo hack.