Coordination Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    You've seen those ads on TV promising amazing results from all sorts
    of contraptions. Well, there's no need to invest in fancy equipment.
    If you have (or can borrow) a dog, you have everything you need to
    get in shape now!!! The following exercises can be done anywhere,
    Inner Thighs: Place the dog's favorite toy between thighs. Press
    tighter than the dog can pull. Do not attempt bare legged - dogs who
    favor shortcuts to success will just dig the toy out. You could be
    Upper Body Strength: Lift the dog - off the couch, off the bed, out
    of the flower bed. Repeat, repeat, repeat. As the dog ages, this
    exercise is reversed - onto the couch, onto the bed, into the car and
    so on.
    Balance and Coordination, Exercise 1: Remove your puppy from
    unsuitable tight places. If they're too small for him, they're
    certainly too small for you. Do it anyway!
    Balance and Coordination, Exercise 2: Practice not falling when more...

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