Colin Jokes / Recent Jokes

President Bush and Colin Powell are sitting in a bar. A guy walks in and asks the barman, "Isn't that Bush and Powell sitting over there?" The barman says, "Yep, that's them." So the guy walks over and says, "Wow, this is a real honor. What are you guys doing in here?" Bush says, "We're planning WW III." And the guy says, "Really? What's going to happen?" Bush says, "Well, we're going to kill 140 million Iraqis this time and one beautiful blonde." The guy exclaimed, "A beautiful blonde? Why kill a beautiful blonde?" Bush turns to Powell and says, "See, I told you no one would worry about the 140 million Iraqis!"

Osama sends letter to bush after numerous rounds of, "we don't even know if osama is still alive," osama himself decided to
Send george w. A letter in his own hand writing to let him know he was still in the game. Bush opened the letter and it
Appeared to contain a coded message: 370h ssv-0773h bush was baffled, so he typed it out and emailed it to colin powell.
Colin and his aides had no clue either so they sent it to the cia. No one could solve it so it went to the nsa and then to
Mit and nasa and the secret service and to m15 in britain. Eventually they asked south africa's scorpions for help. The
Scorpions cabled the white house: "tell the president he is looking at the message upside down."

An old lady is very upset as her husband, Colin, had just passed away.
She went to the undertakers to have one last look at her dearly departed husband. The instant she saw him she starts crying.
One of the undertakers strides up to provide comfort in this somber moment.
Through her tears she explains that she is upset because her dearest Colin was wearing a black suit, and it was his dying wish to be buried in a blue suit.
The undertaker apologizes and explains that traditionally they always put the bodies in black, but he’d see what he could arrange.
The next day she returned to the undertakers to have one last moment with Colin before his funeral the following day.
When the undertaker pulls back the curtain, she manages to smile through her tears as Colin is resplendent in a smart blue suit.
She says to the undertaker, “Wonderful, wonderful, but where did you get that beautiful blue suit? ”
“Well, yesterday afternoon after you left, a more...

... and pledges not to move alone unless no one agrees with it
Washington, D.C. ( — Bowing to international pressure not to act unilaterally, the United States reversed course today and promised to consult with its allies before doing whatever the hell it was going to do anyway.
"Prior to taking action against any enemy nation, such as Iraq, we will confer with our allies, as well as other countries in that region," pledged U.S. President George W. Bush. "We will sit down with them. We will begin by explaining what our position is, and then we will...
"... no, wait. That's everything."
The announcement seemingly failed to address unease among world leaders that without their consent, U.S. action against Iraq will lead them all into a wider conflict. Bush, however, said his administration was well aware of international concerns, and would handle them internally.
Except for effect, the administration said its new stance more...

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Colin who?
Colin and see me on your way home! Knock Knock
Who's there?
Colin who?
Colin all cars, Colin all cars! Knock Knock
Who's there!
Colin who?
Colin the doctor, I feel ill!

Knock KnockWhos there? Colin! Colin who? Colin all cars, Colin all cars!

... and pledges not to move alone unless no one agrees with it
Washington, D.C. ( — Bowing to international pressure not to act unilaterally, the United States reversed course today and promised to consult with its allies before doing whatever the hell it was going to do anyway.
"Prior to taking action against any enemy nation, such as Iraq, we will confer with our allies, as well as other countries in that region," pledged U.S. President George W. Bush. "We will sit down with them. We will begin by explaining what our position is, and then we will...
"... no, wait. That's everything."
The announcement seemingly failed to address unease among world leaders that without their consent, U.S. action against Iraq will lead them all into a wider conflict. Bush, however, said his administration was well aware of international concerns, and would handle them internally.
Except for effect, the administration said its new stance more...