Visor Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Gator Bait!
    Twas the 22nd of November, up in Gainesville
    The whole Swamp was a roaring, no one could sit still;
    The Seminoles came in all pompous and sassy
    Planning to take a title back to Ol' Tallacrappy;
    Their taunting banners were hung with great care,
    Certain St. Bowden would answer their prayers;
    Chanting and chopping, wearing yellows and reds
    While visions of a national title danced in their heads;
    With Steve in his visor, and Bobby in his cap
    Gators and Noles hunkered down for a furious scrap;
    When up from the Gators there arose such a clatter
    I sprang from my seat to see what was the matter!;
    My eyes glued to the field, I shed a brief tear
    and a Nole sitting near me threw up his beer;
    For what to my wondering eyes should appear
    But a BIG PLAY Gator offense...and seminole FEAR!;
    With our coach in his visor and on the attack
    I knew in a moment our offense was back!;
    More rapid than eagles, QB's swapped more...

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