Tense Jokes / Recent Jokes

Teacher: "I killed a person" convert this sentence into future tense.
Santa: The future tense is "You will go to jail".

1.dumb guy: I have'nt slept all nite on the train.
Friend: Why?
Dumb guy: Got upper berth.
Friend: Why did'nt you exchange?
Dumb guy: oye, there was nobody to exchange with in the lower berth.
2. A Teacher lecturing on population -
In India, every 10 sec a woman gives birth to a kid.
A dumb guy stands up - We must find & stop her!
3. Dumb guy - Why are all these people running?
Man - This is a race, the winner will get the cup.
Dumb guy - If only the winner will get the cup, why are the
others running?
4. Teacher: "I killed a person." Convert this sentence into future tense.
Dumn guy: The future tense is, "You will go to jail."
5. Dumb guy gets ready, wears tie, coat, goes out,
climbs tree, sits on the branch regularly. A man asks why he does this.
Dumb guy: "I've been promoted as branch manager."
6. Dumb guy was filling up application form for a job. He was not sure as to what to be more...

Man: How was your exam today?
Sardar: Fine, except for one question which was difficult
Man: Which one?
Sardar: What is the past tense of THINK? I thought... i
thought... i thought about it and wrote THUNK

There was a Chinese pilot and a Jewish pilot on a flight to NYC. For some reason, they weren't too fond of one another, and there was a long, tense silence that accompanied them on their trip. Finally, the Jewish pilot said something to the Chinese pilot:
"I don't like the Chinese. They bombed Pearl Harbor."
"No, no, no," said the Chinese man. "That was the Japanese."
"Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, same thing."
Another half hour of tense silence.
The Chinese pilot finally said to the Jewish pilot, "I don't like the Jews. They sank the Titanic."
"No, no, no! That was an iceberg!"
"Iceberg, Goldberg, Rosenberg, same thing."

Teacher:If I say "I am beautiful", what tense am i using?
Student:Past tense.