Sandwitch Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    little sammys parents were out for a week so they got sally to baby sit him.when she got sammy to bed her boyfriend came over. and they wanted to have sex but they didnt want to wake sammy up so they said code names like
    they were making a sandwitch:
    mayo=fuck me
    meat=put your dick in farther
    so they used those code names all night... when sammy woke up that mornig he said sally why is there mayo on the couch and i herd you making a sandwitch last night i want you to do the same! please

    There is a fish in a pond looking up thinking to himself if that fly drops down then i can jump out and get it, theres a bear behind the fish he says if the fly drops and the fish goes to eat it then I can get the fish, theres a hunter behind the bear and he says if the fly drops and the fish goes for the fly then the bear goes for the fish then I can shoot the bear, theres a mouse behind the hunter and he says if the fly drops and the fish goes for it and the bear goes for the fish and the hunter shoots the bear then the hunter will drop his cheese sandwitch and i can get it, theres a cat behind the mouse and he says if the fly drops and the fish goes for it and the bear goes for the fish and the hunter shoots the bear and drops his sandwitch then the mouse goes to eat it then i can get the mouse. Well the fly drops and the fish gets it the bear gets the fish the hunter gets the bear the mouse gets the sandwitch and then the cat goes for the mouse but over jumps and lands in the more...

    hey do you know what the teacher said to do no what? have a sandwitch

    Q. What do you get when you have a woman having sex between two guys?
    A. A tunafish sandwitch!

    Q.) What do you get when you catch a woman having sex between two guys?
    A.) A tunafish sandwitch

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