Reptile Jokes / Recent Jokes

What’s a frog’s favorite game?
It`s croak-et!

What do headmasters and bullfrogs have in common?
Both have big heads that consist mostly of mouth!

What powerful reptile is found in the Sydney opera house?
The Lizard of Oz!

What`s the definition of a nervous breakdown?
A chameleon on a tartan rug!

How do frogs manage to lay so many eggs?
They sit eggsaminations!

How do frogs die?
They kermit suidide!

What`s a frog’s favorite flower?
A croakus!

What do you get if you cross a frog and a dog?
A croaker spaniel!

What do you call a rich frog?
A golf blooded reptile! Where do frogs keep their money?
In a river bank!

What kind of bull doesn`t have horns?
A bullfrog!

What jumps up and down in front of a car?

Why doesn`t Kermit the Frog like elephants?
They always want to

What do you call a rich frog? A golf blooded reptile!