Notepad Jokes / Recent Jokes

An Irishman walks into a bar. He walked up to the bartender. The bartender asks "Whadda want, ya' curs-ed Irish lush?" The Irishman blinked twice, then pulled out a notepad and wrote something in it. The bartender asked "Whaddya writing, ya damned green foot?" The Irishman, with a tear in his eye, held up the notepad revealing the words "I may be Irish, but I still have feelings." The bartender looked down, then exclaimed, "You're right, this world would be a better place if we all just love a little more." The two became best friends.

It was Mr. Hardy's lifelong dream to go scuba diving, and one day he decided to do it. He went to a sporting goods store and spent a fortune on scuba diving gear. He got everything he needed and more - outfit, oxygen tanks - the works.

The next morning he drove out to a reef, put on his gear, and plunged into the ocean. As he dove deeper, he spotted a man swimming near the bottom in just his swimming trunks. Getting out his underwater notepad, Mr. Hardy scrawled a message ot the man that said, "How can you swim without scuba-diving gear?"

The man took the notepad from Mr. Hardy and wrote back, "I'm not swimming, you idiot! I'm drowning!"