Chick Jokes / Recent Jokes

What did the baby chick say when he saw his mother sitting on an orange? ' Dad, dad, look what marma-laid'!

Why did the chick disappoint his mother? He wasnt what he was cracked up to be!

What did the baby chick say when he saw his mother sitting on an orange? Dad, dad, look what marma-laid!

Question: What does a redneck chick say after sex?
Answer: Get off me daddy, your crushing my smokes!

OKay, this chick walks into a pharmacy. There's a guy at the counter.
The chick says, "Doctor! I need your help!"
He says "What do you need?"
She takes off her shirt and she's got this big' O' on her chest. She says, "How do I get rid of this?"
The doctor said, "how'd it happen?"
She goes, "Well, whenever I have sex with my boyfriend, he wears his Oklahoma University jacket!"
The doctor said "Just tell him to take it off."
She said "OK."
And then this other chick walks in with the same problem and goes,"Doctor! Help! I've got a big "F" on my chest!"
He was like,' Holy crap, another girl with the same problem?' and he says, "Just tell him to take it off."
And she said "OK."
And then this third chick walks in with the same problem and says, "Doctor! Help! I've got a big "W" on my chest!"
The doctor more...

Two mates were screwing the same chick at the same time, and they weregreeted with the sad news one day that their common squeeze had got knocked up. Having no way of knowing which was the father, the two mates chipped in and sent her out of town to have the little bastard.Several months passed without either of the mates hearing from the chick, so one of them decided to find her and get some news about the pregnancy.The next day, the other dude got a call from his mate. "I've got some goodnews and some bad news," the mate said on the telephone."Well, give me the good news first," replied the other."The good news is that she's fine, and she had twins," came the reply."And the bad news?""Mine died"

Two guys are in a bar and the guy says to his friend, "I wanna lose 10 pounds."
His friend says, "Okay give me one hundred dollars."
The guy gives him the money and leaves the bar.
A day later a hot chick is in the guy's front yard. She says, "If you can catch me, I will have sex with you."
The guy chases her around for an hour and loses 10 pounds.
The next day a guy tells the first guy's friend, "I wanna lose 20 pounds."
The friend says, "Okay give me two hundred dollars."
The second guy gives the friend the money and leaves.
The next day a hot chick is in the second guy's yard.
She says, "If you can catch me you can have sex with me."
The second guy chases her around for two hours and loses 20 pounds.
The next day a fast olympic athlete tells the guys' friend he wants to lose 30 pounds.
The guys' friend thinks and then finally says, "Okay give me three hundred more...