Agra Jokes / Recent Jokes

An American tourist hired a sardarji guide to take him around Delhi and Agra. When taken to the Red Fort at Agra, he admired the architecture and asked how many years it had taken to build. The sardarji replied,' Twenty years'.
The American remarked,' You Indians are a lazy lot. In America, this could have been built in five years.' At the Taj he again admired its beauty and asked how many years it had taken to build.
The sardarjireduced the period considerably and replied,' Only ten years, sir'
The American retorted:' Didn't I say you Indians are slow workers? In America, we can construct such buildings in two-and-a-half years.'
It was the same story everywhere. The American admired the architecture but said that in his country it would have taken one fourth the time to build. The sardarjigot irritated. When the taxi was nearing the Qutab Minar, the American asked:' What is that tower?'
Came the reply,' Sir, I'll have to go and find out. When I was passing more...

AGRA is famous for its Taj and also for its mental asylum in vernacular. Mr Girdhari Lai, before his retirement, went to Agra to see the Taj along with his family, on leave fare concession. When he joined his office after the leave, one of his friends, Mr Mange Ram, asked him,' Agra say ho aye jee?' (Have you been to Agra?)
When Girdhari Lai replied in the affirmative, Mange Ram, knowing very well that Girdhari Lai had gone there to see the Taj, quipped,' Key kahende nein?' (What did the doctors at the mental asylum say?)
Everybody listening started laughing. But Girdhari Lai silenced Mange Ram by retorting,' Oh kahende nein kee mareez noo naal ley key aoo. Das kadan chalney?' (They told me to bring the patient along with me. Tell me when you want to accompany me to Agra for a check-up.)