Aflame Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Owners of Target franchises make plans to open stores back up again.
    Instead of saying "We are under attack, please take shelter," citizens are now told, "Here we go again, you know the drill."
    Everyone wears sunglasses all the time.
    Sarcastic giggling heard just behind live CNN reporters.
    Yesterday's lead headline in most Iraqi newspapers was "NBA Lockout Continues."
    Every time a bomb explodes, Iraqi class clown yells out, "Oh my Allah, you've killed Achmet! You INFIDELS!"
    Instead of running for cover at the sound of the air raid sirens, the Iraqis do the "Tomahawk Chop."
    Hussein's latest address to the nation included the line, "We must resist the Great Satan, yadda yadda yadda...."
    Christiane Amanpour is being invited to rooftop bomb watching parties all over Baghdad.
    Baghdad High's senior class has playfully painted a bull's-eye on the roof of the school.
    Iraqi Television Network more...

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