Silver-haired Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Eighty-five year old Edward retired to Arizona after his wife of sixty years passed away. He felt very much alone in the world and longed for companionship.
    While walking through a public park one day, Edward caught sight of what he considered to be a very attractive, silver-haired lady sitting alone on a park bench. Mustering up his nerve, he approached her and graciously asked, "Pardon me, but may I sit here with you?"
    The silver-haired Dorothy looked up to see a distinguished looking, white-haired gentleman and replied, "Certainly," as she moved over to give him room to sit.
    For the next few hours, the two sat and talked about everything. They learned that they both came from the same part of the country, enjoyed the same type of music, liked the same kinds of food, had had long, happy marriages and lost their spouses within the past year and, in general, agreed on just about everything.
    Finally, Edward cleared his throat and shyly asked, more...

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