Parsons Jokes / Recent Jokes

A Bishop invited his three sons home for a midwinter get-together.
On the cold first morning of their stay, he stood warming himself at a roaring log fire as the first son, a Parson, appeared from bed.
"Good morning father", said he.
"Good morning, son replied the Bishop,'Did you sleep well?".
"Wonderful sleep, I dreamt I was in heaven".
"Great!, Come and stand by the fire" said the Bishop.
"Good morning, son, did you sleep well?."
He asked his second son, also a Parson.
"Marvelous, I dreamt I was an angel!". And he went to stand in front of the fire. The third, a commercial traveller appeared.
"Good morning" said the Bishop, not so eagerly, "How was your night?.
"I dreamt I was in Hell" said he, And it was just like home- you couldn't get near the fire for Parsons".