Mike Tyson Jokes / Recent Jokes

Animal Planet announced a new series with Mike Tyson. The network will follow him around to see if he's smarter than wildlife.

A Hollywood director is creating a documentary on Mike Tyson about how he lost his fortune and fighting legacy. So lookout for the title “Crazy Moron” coming to a video store near you.

After years of study, researchers at MIT have determined the difference between the Taco Bell Chihuahua and Mike Tyson!
If Mike Tyson starts humping your leg, you let him finish!

Mike Tyson was detained by the police after hitting a photographer at LAX. He was the only person there to make his connection.

Boxer and child eater Mike Tyson announced he will fight women in his upcoming bouts. Which is nice, because now there’ll be a ref to break it up. After he gets through with women, Tyson will resume his assault on the English language.