Metrics Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    The software engineering community has been placing a great deal of
    emphasis lately on metrics and their use in software development. The
    following metrics are probably among the most valuable for a software
    The Pizza Metric
    How: Count the number of pizza boxes in the lab.
    What: Measures the amount of schedule under-estimation.
    If people are spending enough after-hours time
    working on the project that they need to have
    meals delivered to the office, then there has
    obviously been a mis-estimation somewhere.
    The Aspirin Metric
    How: Maintain a centrally-located aspirin bottle for use
    by the team. At the beginning and end of each month,
    count the number of aspirin remaining aspirin in the
    What: Measures stress suffered by the team during the project.
    This most likely indicates poor project design in the
    early phases, which causes over-expenditure of effort
    later on. In the early phases, high more...

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