Iran Jokes / Recent Jokes

While protesters are still filling the streets in Iran, a new vote count shows that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was put over the top by Palm Beach County, narrowly beating out Pat Buchanan.

In an unprecedented move, Iran refused to allow UN inspectors access to its nuclear facility at Natanz. The Iranians used the old excuse, "Sorry, it's really messy, we haven't cleaned yet."

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Iran who?
Iran over here to tell you this!

The Pentagon says that Iran is 5-8 years away from having a nuclear bomb. Speculated a source, "Eight years if they build it themselves, five years if we secretly sell it to them."

In an interview in Time Magazine, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, "No country in the world looks upon America as a friend."

But they all want to sleep with us, baby.

I love these intelligence reports, "Iran is one year away from a nuclear bomb." Well that's there fault, man. They'd have one by now if they'd matched our asking price.

"You'd better be scared, America. We have at least one bomb that's this big."