Iran Jokes / Recent Jokes

How many times have you seen Oliver Stone's "World Trade Center" movie?

Twice. Once for each building.

Amadinejad cant guarantee his rivals safety,but will guarantee him a 5 minute head start for the border.

It made the rest of Iran angry that Reza loved America.

US forces invaded an Iranian office in Iraq, further confusing Americans who can't tell the difference between the two countries.

And what made this victory extra sweet is he proved he could win without Shaquille O'Neal.

Italian doctors mistakenly transplanted organs from an HIV-positive donor into three recipients. Pirandello would be proud.

Apparently Iran would like to have some nuclear weapons.

Who can blame them? Getting nuclear weapons is sort of like being in the Hells Angels. It's not that people actually respect you or think you're any smarter or more important than you used to be, but they sure pretend to.

We, on the other hand, would not like Iran to have nuclear weapons. We would like them to have tea parties and crayons and possibly even Pop Rocks, but no nuclear weapons.

The interesting conundrum is this: We were the ones that gave them the stuff to build the weapons in the first place.

Because we wanted them to have nuclear weapons.

We did. But now we don't. See?

Happened with Iraq too.

We gave them loads of weapons but then decided we'd rather they didn't have them.

We wanted them to have them then.

But not now.


Er, may I offer a suggestion?

I think this "Here, have some weapons/If you have more...