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    Three executives are all sitting around at lunch baning on about how awesome they are and the wonderful gifts they got their wives for their wedding anniversaries this year. First bloke says "... Yes well I got my wife 2 Saab convertibles, one red and one white, so depending on what she's wearing, either one will suit" "excellent, excellent" said the other two. second man says "Well, I bought my wife 2 houses. One on the coast and one in the hills, so depending on who she's entertaining for dinner, we can use the one that suits." "Marvellous, Marvellous" said the other two. "So,' bloke 3', what did you get your wife?" ask the first two. "I got my wife a new purse and a dildo..." said bloke 3. "A new purse and a dildo? what on earth for?" aksed the first 2. "IF SHE DOESN'T LIKE THE PURSE, SHE CAN GO F**** HERSELF"

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