1954 Jokes / Recent Jokes

Could Godzilla, the King of Monsters and Elvis, The King, be one and the same?
Godzilla: King of Monsters
Elvis: King of Rock
Year Career Started:
Godzilla: 1954
Elvis: 1954
Godzilla: Giant lizard
Elvis: Giant lounge lizard
Social Order:
Godzilla: Hangs with freaks
Elvis: Had (has?) Michael Jackson for son-in-law
Famous bug battles:
Godzilla: Fought giant caterpillar Mothra
Elvis: Outlasted the Beatles
Vocal quirks:
Godzilla: Terrible dubbing of his movies
Elvis: Never could lip-synch
Eating habits:
Godzilla: Would eat anything
Elvis: Would eat anything fried
Godzilla: Played by fat man in rubber suit
Elvis: Was fat man in polyester suit
Alien encounters:
Godzilla: Traveled past Jupiter for Godzilla vs. Monster Zero
Elvis: Was believed to be aboard alien spacecraft on Independence Day
Godzilla: Fought pollution in Godzilla vs. Smog more...