Japenese Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    The Japenese Way of Death by Harri Kirri

    There were 3 men that went into a strip club. 1 was Chinese,1 was Japenese and 1 was Irish.
    Then a lady came out and pole-danced.The Chinese put $50 in her ass. The Japenese put $100 in her ass but the Irish man swiped his Visa card down her ass and took the money as if it were an ATM

    Once two people were flyin a plane. one was a white from america. after a while he asked a question to the other person: 1st
    Person:"what ese are you?" the other one did not understand it. after sometime he asked him the same question,"what ese are
    You?", the other man got angry and irritated and replied, what you just asked me makes no sense. so the aqmerican replied,"oh i
    Just wanted to know if you are a chinese, japenese, vietnamese etc. he replied'japenese". then the japanese asked the
    American, what key are u >?? The american did not understand, again he asked what key are you? the american got furious and
    Irritated. the japanese cooly replied'i meant to say are you a donkey, monkey, yankee etc??"

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