Hard-ware Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Once a rabbit came to the town & went to a Hard-ware shop & asked the shopkeeper "is there any carrot here?"
    The shopkeeper thought "or... poor rabbit may hungry" & told "dear, this is a hard-ware shop, no carrot here, if u want carrot go & ask that corner shop which sells vegetable"
    Rabbit went off.
    Next day rabbit came again & asked "is there any carrot here?"
    Shopkeeper was a little angry but thought rabbit might forgotten the previous day & replied "I told u once, this is a hard-ware shop & no carrot here?"
    Rabbit went off murmuring to itself.
    Again rabbit came to the same place next day & asked "is there any carrot here"
    The shopkeeper got wild badly & screamed at the rabbit "u fucking rabbit, how many times I have told u no. if u ask again I fuck u & hang u by neck, on this beam, with a rope! !!!!"
    Rabbit went off quickly into the bushes.
    In the very next day rabbit more...

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