Anonym's Comments

there is 3 aliens that come to earth;the first one goes to an opera and learns how to say more...

Anonym:I have also herad a similar one but it goes like this"One day 4 aliens came to earth the 1 alien went to an opera and learned how to say "Mememe" the 2 alien went to a resturant and learned how to say "Forks and knives forks and knives" the 3 alien went to a candystore and learned how to say "Because he took my candy" and the 4 alien went to a hockey rink and learned how to say" YEAH".The next day there was a murder and so the cop asked the aliens "who killed this boy?" and the 1 alien said "Mememe!" then the cop asked "what did you kill him with?" the 2 alien said "forks and knives forkes and knives"then the cop asked '"why did you kill him?" and the 3 alien said" beacuse he took my candy!"then the cop said "you know you have to go to jail?!?!?" and the 4 alien said"YEAH!!!!""