Torturer Jokes / Recent Jokes

Q. What's the difference between an aerobics instructor and a well mannered professional torturer?
A. The torturer would apologize first.
Q. Why did the aerobics instructor cross the road?
A. Someone on the other side could still walk.
Q. What do aerobics instructors and people who make bacon have in common?
A. They both tear hams into shreds.
Q. How many aerobics instructors does it take to change a light bulb?
A. Four!...Three!...Two!...One!
Q. An ethical lawyer, an honest politician, and a merciful aerobics instructor all fall out of an airplane. Which one hits the ground first?
A. It doesn't matter - none of them exist.
Q. What do you call an aerobics instructor who doesn't cause pain and agony?
A. Unemployed.
Q. What's the difference between an aerobics instructor and a dentist?
A. A dentist lets you sit down while he hurts you.