Rho Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Q) Did you know that Gujarati students are going to start a fraternity?
    A) They named it Rho Beta Rho.
    Q) Why did the gujjus take 50 paise when they went to watch "GANDHI"?
    A) They read Atten( 8 annas)-bourough in the credits.
    What is a Gujju picnic koled? - A snake in the grass
    Why did the Gujju wear a Tuxedo to his vasectomy?
    If he was going to become impotent, he wanted to look impotent.
    Why did the American get scared of the Gujju? - Because he said' Sue kare chhe.'
    Maro dikro Dubai gayo? - My son drowned.

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