Relieve Jokes / Recent Jokes

Ways to Relieve Stress #10. Make up a language and ask people for directions.

A Indian comes to Lahore for a visit. After some time he starts comparing Lahore to Dehli and marvels at the cleanliness and neatness of the city. One day, while walking around the city, he suddenly feels intense pressure to take a leak. However, seeing how tidy it is around him, he is somewhat hesitant to go and relieve himself out in the open as he would back home. Soon he spots a policeman and asks him where to help him out.
The policeman replies, ``See the building there. You can relieve yourself anywhere in the compound there.``
The Indian does his thing and returns to thank the policeman.
He asks the cop, ``Is that the public loo?`` ``No,`` the policeman answers, ``that is the Indian High Commission.``