Mixup Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Well it seems that there was some mixup in one of the local papers, and it said that Elvis would be ariving in Denver.
    When the Pope landed, and got off the plane, threre was a large group of people chanting: "Elvis... Elvis... Elvis."
    "No, no. I'm not Elvis", stated the Pope, "I am the Pope." When he gave a short speech, thre was still a large group of people chanting: "Elvis... Elvis... Elvis."
    "No," he told the crowd, "I'm not Elvis."
    The Pope was tired so he went back to his hotel room. When he got to his room, there were a bunch of scantly clad women. They started screaming "Oh, look it's Elvis!"
    To which the Pope replied "Thank-you. Thank-you. Thank-you very much."

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