Meaner Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Q: The guy whose job it is to spray water over the veggies at the grocery store develops an' attitude.' Why should he be charged as a petty criminal
    A: Because of his mist demeanor - (Or' Because he was misty meaner.' or' He was Mr. meaner.) (By Gary Hallock)

    Q: A writer scorned computers and used an old-fashioned machine on which to compose her less-than-literary compositions, which pandered to low taste but sold very well. What did she name the machine she wrote on
    A: A tripewriter (or A tritewriter) (By SRpunster)

    Q: What jazz singer did God use to create the world
    A: Eartha Kitt (By Gary Hallock)

    Q: What do you call a reptile hired to look into mutual fund and stock market fraud
    A: An invest-a-gator (By Stan Kegel)

    Q: What large extinct creature was probably named after the infected wounds of Victorian era female sibling authors
    A: Bronte sores (By Gary Hallock)

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