Historian Jokes

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    Then there's the historian who points out that the German invasion of Poland in 1939 might have taken longer if the Poles had been armed with more than hand grenades. The courageous defenders threw them at the Germans, but the enemy simply caught them, pulled the pins, and hurled them back.

    (From The Daily Californian (UC Berkeley student paper), 2/27/89, page 1,
    "Holocaust exaggerated, British historian claims")
    British historian David Irving said Thursday night that Adolph Hitler
    was unaware of the mass killing of Jews at the Auschwitz concentration
    camp during World War II.
    Irving said that professors float historical claims like a "Goodyear blimp"
    and are waiting for someone to come along and prick it.
    "I AM THAT PRICK," he said.
    Oh, what poetic justice....

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