Computor Jokes / Recent Jokes

NOTE: This is a true story of a real call to a computor company tech support.
One day a guy calls tech support. this is how it went...
Cust: Hello?
TS: Hello
Cust: Yeah, my cup holder broke and my computor is still under warranty, so I would like to get it replaced.
TS: Ummm cup holder?
Cust: yeah cup holder...
TS: Ummm did you get it with a promotional offer?
Cust: No
TS: Umm are you sure you got the right company?
Cust: Yeah
TS: Ummm... im sorry if i sound confused, because i am.
Cust: Well its square, and its on the front of the computor, and it comes out when you press a button...
At this point the Tech support guy had to put the guy on hold, so he could finish laughing...
The guy had broken his CD-rom drive, thinking it was a cup holder.