Mastercard Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    THE MASTERCARD COMMERCIAL ALL MEN ARE WAITING FORCover charge: $15. 00 Round of drinks: $23. 00 Table dance: $30. 00 Another round of drinks: $23. 00 Couch dance and tips: $50. 00 A round of shots: $34. 00 A Bottle of Dom and a Limo home: 125. 00 Private dance in your hotel room: $300. 00 Sending her on her way and never having to hear her complain: PricelessFor everthing else.... There's MasterCard

    You've all seen the sentimental MasterCard commercials. Well, finally there is a MasterCard commercial targeted just for men:(No offense ladies - just enjoy it for what it's worth)Cover charge:$15.00Round of drinks:23.00Table dance:$30.00Another round of drinks:$23.00Couch dance and tips:$50.00A round of shots:$34.00Private dance in your hotel room:$300.00Send her on her way and never have to hear her complain:"PRICELESS!"There are some things that money can't buy.For everything else, there's MasterCard.

    Cover charge: $15.00
    Round of drinks: $23.00
    Table dance: $30.00
    Another round of drinks: $23.00
    Lap dance and tips: $50.00
    A round of shots: $34.00
    Private dance in your hotel room: $300.00

    Send her on her way and never have to hear her complain: PRICELESS!
    . .. There are some things that money can't buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard.

    You've all seen the sentimental MasterCard commercials. Well, finally there is a MasterCard commercial targeted just for men:(No offense ladies - just enjoy it for what it's worth)Cover charge:$15. 00Round of drinks: 23. 00Table dance:$30. 00Another round of drinks:$23. 00Couch dance and tips:$50. 00A round of shots:$34. 00Private dance in your hotel room:$300. 00Send her on her way and never have to hear her complain:"PRICELESS!"There are some things that money can't buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard.

    You've all seen the sentimental MasterCard commercials. Well, finally there is a MasterCard commercial targeted just for men:
    (No offense ladies - just enjoy it for what it's worth)
    Cover charge:
    Round of drinks:
    Table dance:
    Another round of drinks:
    Couch dance and tips:
    A round of shots:
    Private dance in your hotel room:
    Send her on her way and never have to hear her complain:
    There are some things that money can't buy.
    For everything else, there's MasterCard.

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