Dull Jokes

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    Al Gore is so dull that his secret service code name is "Al Gore".

    Q: How many dull people does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: One.

    One There Was Two Boys One Very Intelligent And One Very Dull- Both Went For There Admission In New School Firt Principal Called The Intelligent Child. Principal To Child - Who Was The First Prime Minister Of India. Child- Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Principal-Where Do We Throw Rubbish. Child-In Dustbin. Principal-How Many Stars R There In Universe. Child -Scientists R Discoveringthe Principal Saya Him Very Good N Now Send The Other Child Inside. The Intelligentchild Went Outside N Told All The Answer To The Dull One Cause He Was His Brother Dull Went Inside Principal-What Is Ur Name. Dull Child -Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Principal-Where Do U Live. Dull...-In Dust Bin. Principal- R U Mad. Dull....-Scientist R Discoverying

    Gwenyth Paltrow angered Americans by calling them dull. Before you get upset, consider that she’s married to the guy from Coldplay - she knows dull.

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