Cleverer Jokes / Recent Jokes

Why are dolphins cleverer than humans? Within 3 hours they can train a man to stand at the side of a pool and feed them fish!

Why are fish cleverer than humans? Ever seen a fish spend a fortune trying to hook a human?

What is cleverer than a talking cat? A spelling bee!

Three men were walking down the road when they saw a bottle. They picked it up and a Genie popped out. He said, "Since there is 3 of you, I will give you one wish each." So the first man, wanting to be clever, wished to be 50% smarter than he already was, and POOF he was. The next guy, wanting to be cleverer than this first guy, wished to be 75% smarter than he already was, and POOF he was. The last guy, thinking he was cleverer than the other two, wished to be 100% smarter than he already was and POOF, he turned into a woman.