Thirty-year-old Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    Having been married to each other for forty of their sixty years, a sophisticated couple decided on separate vacations. After reveling for two months in the island paradise of Hawaii, the old gent made a rather lengthy phone call to the far shores of Miami, where his wife had decided to vacation:
    "I'm having a great time," he said. "I met the most fabulous thirty-year-old blonde and we're really swinging." After a pause, a matronly voice aimed at Honolulu replied: "Well, darling, I'm having a great time, too. I met a thirty-year-old man who has been squiring me all over town and I can assure you I'm certainly enjoying myself more than you are."
    "How do you figure that?" he responded in an irritated tone.
    "Simple mathematics, my dear," she purred. "Thirty goes into sixty more times than sixty goes into thirty."

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