Redwood Jokes / Recent Jokes

Yo Mama is so fat she uses redwood trees to pick her teeth!

The original reason for tablecloths was as a towel to wipe one's fingers and hands on after eating
Mount Everest moves approximately 2.4 inches (10 cm) in a Northeasterly direction every year
Mickey Mouse has four fingers on each hand
The bark of a redwood tree is fireproof. Fires that occur in a redwood forest take place inside the trees
The storage capacity of human brain exceeds four Terra bytes
There are an average of 178 sesame seeds on a McDonald's Big Mac bun
Because of the rotation of the earth, an object can be thrown farther if it is thrown west
In 2001, the five most valuable brand names in order were Coca-Cola, Microsoft, IBM, GE, and Nokia
After the "Popeye" comic strip started in 1931, spinach consumption went up by 33 percent in the US
A rainbow can only occur when the sun is 40 degrees or less above the horizon
At 40° Centigrade a more...

The original reason for tablecloths was as a towel to wipe one's fingers and hands on after eating
Mount Everest moves approximately 2.4 inches (10 cm) in a Northeasterly direction every year
Mickey Mouse has four fingers on each hand
The bark of a redwood tree is fireproof. Fires that occur in a redwood forest take place inside the trees
The storage capacity of human brain exceeds four Terra bytes
There are an average of 178 sesame seeds on a McDonald's Big Mac bun
Because of the rotation of the earth, an object can be thrown farther if it is thrown west
In 2001, the five most valuable brand names in order were Coca-Cola, Microsoft, IBM, GE, and Nokia
After the "Popeye" comic strip started in 1931, spinach consumption went up by 33 percent in the US
A rainbow can only occur when the sun is 40 degrees or less above the horizon
At 40° Centigrade a more...

clever creatures
A visitor to Glacier National Park in Montana lost his car keys while attempting to lure a ground
squirrel by dangling the keys out in front of the critter. The squirrel grabbed the keys and ran down
a hole with them. The keys were never retrieved, a ranger cited the man for harassment of wildlife,
and a locksmith was called to make new car keys.
putting our loved ones at risk for a photo
In May of 1994, Tony Moore, 43, of Marietta, Georgia, was gored and seriously injured by a large male
bison in Yellowstone, next to the Lake Hotel. Moore and a friend had approached to within 15 feet of
the bison to have their pictures taken. While they were standing with their backs to the animal, it
charged. Moore's companion escaped, but Moore received a severe puncture wound in his right thigh and
was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Jackson for treatment.
watching for falling rocks
A visitor setting up camp at Lake more...