New York Yankees Jokes / Recent Jokes

The New York Yankees want to host a college bowl game in the stadium. College football would be more appropriate at CitiField, because the Mets season also doesn't include the playoffs.

Dr. Kevorkian was realeased from a Michigan prison Friday after serving an 8 year sentence for second degree murder.
The proponent of assisted suicide for the termially ill maintained his stance saying he still believes a quick death is better than a long slow painful death for those with no hope.

Dr. Kervorkian has been contacted by the New York Yankees

The Yankees are reportedly watching their wallet. We'd be doing the same thing if we played in the Bronx.

Roger Clemens will finally play for the Yankees this week, as they need a DH.

Alex Rodriguez apologized for his steroid use, and expects fans to forgive him, especially since he’s never used any in October. By owning up to his past indiscretions, Rodriguez has shown he's smarter than Barry Bonds. Then again, a single celled amoeba nursing a hangover is also smarter than Barry Bonds.

In honor of Roger Clemens',45, return, the Yankees have replaced the 7-th inning stretch with the 7-th inning nap and begun an early-bird special at the snack bar.

Clemens is a finalist for the Comeback Prostate of the Year Award, along with Julio Franco and Randy Johnson.

Alex Rodriguez has said his time in Colorado gave him the opportunity to rethink things, recommit himself and understand his responsibility to his teammates and his team. In other words, his hotel room didn't have a mirror.