Freak Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    The Scene: The Girl is a 23 year old investment banker working in New York. The Boy is doing his residency in Boston and was given her number by his mother, who is a friend of the Girl's aunt's brother-in-law's cousin's uncle's wife in Chicago. Monday night, 10 pm Girl: Hello? Boy: (Shit, she's home!) Umm, hi! Is this ---? Girl: Speaking. Boy: My name is ---. I don't know if you know who I am- (God, what if she doesn't know who I am? I'll sound like a complete idiot.) Hell, I already sound like a complete idiot. I don't even know why I'm doing this!) Girl: Oh, you live in Boston, right? Boy: Yeah. (Ok, she was told about me, that's a fucking relief. I wonder what she was told - "He's a resident, tall, and fair, and he graduated from Ivy League school!" God, she probably hates me already!) Girl: Yeah, my mother mentioned you had my number. (I can't believe he actually called!) Boy: So, how are you? Oh yeah, that's real original, but what the hell else I am supposed to say- more...

    I love to freak out salespeople. They ask me what size I need, and I say, "Extra medium."

    You know you're a video game freak if...
    You hire a babysitter to watch your video games.
    When you go swimming you put your nintendo D.S. in the glove box so no one will try to commit a felony and try to steal it.
    You cry when your data gets deleted.
    When you lose a disc you blame everyone you can so you can be in denial.
    You have every system since the pong game.
    You know who and when created all of your games.
    You are eaisly entertained when you hear that the nintendo stock market raises.
    You talk to your friends for two hours discussing which is better: Age of mythology or Age of Empires, only to come to the conclusion that you're eating pizza tonight to discuss it deeper.
    When you get on to someone elses computer you refer to yourself as a "hacker."
    You pray that to God that there's no power outage in the next 3 days because you have to do some "light" gaming.

    A man and his three friends are driving around one day when they happen to crash into the side of a bridge and completely wreck their car. While his three friends remained intact, the man had lost an eye and had to be rushed to the hospital. Once he arrived there, he discovered to his horror that they were out of glass replacement eyes, so they would have to give him a wooden eye.

    Because he was so ashamed of becoming a freak with a wooden eye, the man refused to leave the hospital until they discharged him a week later, and then for several weeks after he stayed in his house with no contact to the outside world. His friends, feeling incredibly guilty for their lack of injury, decided to take him out to a club to try and cheer him up.

    Though he was reluctant, he accepted. Once they were at the club, his three friends began dancing with girls, while he felt too shy about his eye to ask anyone. As the night wore on, he became more self-assured, and started asking more...

    Why did the boy cross the road 2 phone 07952423099 fishing freak for advice (true story)

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