Rude Jokes / Recent Jokes

There were 3 lads called shit, fuckoff and manners. Shit gets run over so fuckoff runs to the police station
"Quick, my friends been run over" He shouts
"Ok calm down" says the policeman. "Wots ur name?"
"Wots ur name"
"Fuckoff" He says again
"Where are your manners?" Says the policeman
Fuckoff replies
"Outside picking shit up off the floor!"

A man kills a deer and brings it home and cooks it for dinner but does not tell the children what it is.He told them he would give them a clue."its what mum calls dad sometimes", the little girl cries out"DONT EAT IT ITS AN ARSE HOLE".

Q. Why does the wind blow from the north in Indiana?
A. Kentucky sucks.

how long does it take for an abbo to shit
9 months

What is the difference between a faggot and a refridgerator?
The fridge dont fart when you pull the meat out.

Q:what did god say when the first black person came to heaven?
A:oops I must of burnt one!!

what do you call a dinosaur with a sore bum!
answer: a stegasore-ass
a tyranosore-ass
a megesore-ass