Remarks Jokes

  • Funny Jokes

    A man walks into a bar and orders a triple scotch. As the bartender pours the drink, he remarks, "That's quite a heavy drink. What's the problem?"
    After quickly downing his drink, the man replies, "I found my wife in bed with my best friend."
    ' Wow," says the barkeep. "What did you do about it?" "I walked over to my wife, looked her in the eye, told her to pack her stuff, and get the hell out."
    "That makes sense," remarks the barkeep... "And, what about your best friend?"
    "I looked him right in the eye and yelled, **Bad Dog** "

    "Anyway, I`m so thankful, and so gracious - I`m gracious that my brother Jeb is concerned about the hemisphere as well." -George W. Bush, June 4, 2001 "It`s important for young men and women who look at the Nebraska champs to understand that quality of life is more than just blocking shots." -George W. Bush, in remarks to the University of Nebraska women`s volleyball team, the 2001 national champions, May 31, 2001 "So on behalf of a well-oiled unit of people who came together to serve something greater than themselves, congratulations." -George W. Bush, in remarks to the University of Nebraska women`s volleyball team, the 2001 national champions, May 31, 2001 "If a person doesn`t have the capacity that we all want that person to have, I suspect hope is in the far distant future, if at all." -George W. Bush, May 22, 2001"For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It`s more...

    Funny Remarks, relating to a variety of different topics.

    A collection of insults! Yours was an unnatural birth; you came from a human being.

    You have nothing to fear from my base instincts; its my finer ones that tell me to kill you.

    It's your life -- but I wish you'd let us have it.

    Hey, act your age -- senile!

    I've had many cases of love that were just infatuation, but this hate I feel for you is the real thing.

    You're the best at all you do -- and all you do is make people hate you.

    In the dictionary under the word, "stupid," it says, "see him."

    We know you could not live without us. We'll pay for the funeral.

    We do not complain about your shortcomings, but about your long sayings.

    Don't you realize that there are enough people to hate in the world already without your working so hard to give us another?

    The thing that terrifies me the most more...

    Witty remarks, relating to a variety of different topics.
    A collection of insults!
    Even your best friend cheats on you and lies to you, and that's the best friend you can get.
    I don't think you are a fool. But then, what's my own humble opinion against thousands of others?
    Nobody says that you are dumb. They just say you were sixteen years old before you learned how to wave goodbye.
    People say that you are the perfect idiot. I say that you are not perfect, but you are doing alright.
    Ordinarily people live and learn. You just live.
    The mind reader had a very busy day today reading minds. You were a vacation for him.
    I thought of you all day today when I was at the zoo.
    When you talk, other people get hoarse just listening.
    I would say that you are barking up the wrong tree, but that is your natural voice.
    I reprimanded my brother for mimicking you. I told him not to act like a fool.
    I'm very careful of how I express my more...

    Teachers' remarks that changed the history of physics

    Archimedes, you are late again. Don't tell me that you were locked again in the bathroom.
    Copernicus, when will you understand that you are not the center of the world?
    Galileo, if you will drop stones from the top of the tower one more time, you will be dismissed forever.
    Kepler, till when will you stare at the sky?
    Newton, will you please stop idling away under the apple tree?
    Volta, I can see you have a lot of potential.
    Ohm, must you resist Ampère's opinions on current events?
    Nikola Tesla, I see that everyone is attracted to your magnetic personality.
    Einstein, a crocodile is greener or is it wider?
    Schrödinger, stop abusing cats!
    Heisenberg, when will you be sure of yourself?

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