Lee Jokes / Recent Jokes

Su Wong marries Lee Wong. The next year, the Wongshave a new baby. The nurse brings them over a lovely, healthy, bouncy, definitely Caucasian white baby boy!"Congratulations," says the nurse to the new parents."What will you name the baby"? The puzzled father looks at his new baby boy and says,"Well, two Wongs dont make a white, so I think wewill name him Sum Ting Wong!

One day, an Asian man, an American man, and Sung Hi Lee were on a train. Along the ride, there was a short but dark tunnel. When they entered the tunnel, a kissing sound, then a slapping sound was heard. Once outside, everyone could see a large red mark on the American's face. Sung Hi Lee thought, "That American probably tried to kiss me, but accidentally kissed the Asian, and he slapped him." The American thought, "The Asian tried to kiss Sung Hi Lee, and she tried to slap him, but accidentally slapped me." Now, the Asian thought, "That was great! Next ride, I'll kiss Sung Hi Lee
again, and slap the American!"

When Lee ate raw onions for a week what did he become? Lone Lee.

A war broke out between two neighboring countries - a small island and its northern neighbor. The southern, predominantly Chinese soldiers decided to pull a trick on its northern enemy. The southern troops called out "Eh, Mat! Mat!", and suddenly the northern troops began standing up and asking "Siapa panggil aku?" (who's calling me?). The southerners immediately opened fire, killing a great number of these mats. Furious, the remaining Mat soldiers decided to pull the same trick on their enemies... "Oi, Lee! Lee!", they shouted, and the Lee Soldiers started shouting back, "Kong simi?" (What are you talking about?). The mat soldiers immediately stood up and replied, "Aku lah!" (Me, lah!), getting their heads shot off soon after.

Lee was known among his friends for the punctuality with which he senthis wife her alimony payment each month. When he was asked the reasonfor his haste he shivered and replied: "Im afraid that if I shouldever fall behind in the payments to that witch, she might well try torepossess me."

Extracted from US news papers:
In Detroit, the lawyer for accused murderer Rondelle Woods, 23, delivered part of his closing
argument to the jury in rap:' Went to a party, sweet 16, decided to stay on the scene.' Woods was
acquitted. But in Las Vegas in December, Eric Clark, 22, pleaded with the judge, in rap for a light
sentence:' I'm sellin' dope, and I as gettin' paid too blind to see how I was gettin' played.' He
got 23 years. - Universal Press Syndicate
A Tokyo company, Juonsha, recently began offering a mail-order curse kit, featuring a straw doll to
represent the hexee, along with eight accessories, including nails, a curse manual, and a
curse-blocking doll to ward off return curses. The company at first marketed to boys and girls
bullied at school, but discovered the major market is women who hope to put spells on neighbors,
in-laws and more...

Lee: I just swallowed a fish bone! Counselor: Are you choking? Lee: No, Im serious!