Inauguration Jokes / Recent Jokes

In the photo to the right, the Obamas and Bidens wave to the Bushes as they leave DC and head back to Texas.
Overheard on the helicopter: "Hey Laura - I took a bunch of towels."

Despite the country being in the worst economic circumstances in three-quarters of a century, Barack Obama’s inauguration will cost more than $170 million.
“The money is going toward providing events which we hope are going to connect people, make them feel like we are all in this together” said Linda Douglass, spokeswoman for the inaugural committee.
Group "events" include freezing your ass off together outside the homes you no longer own, and dividing up empty soda cans.
The last time I connected people, it cost me a case of beer, a few bags of Pepperidge Farm cookies, and a Kool and the Gang cd.

Today's inauguration was attended by more than a million people. Suprisingly, there were only a a few problems. Ten people got frostbite, five people fainted, and Dick Cheney ran over three lawyers.

Just keeps repeating over and over again, "I'm sleepy"
Months after inauguration, still hasn't shown up at city hall
Campaign slogan: "What's in it for me?"
When confronted with a crisis, you overhear him mumble, "What would Norm on 'Cheers' do?"
His date for his inauguration is Heidi Fleiss
During acceptance speech, addresses voters as "suckers"
Last name: "McCheese"
Within hours after his inauguration, all water and electricity are shut off
The day after election day he wakes up naked on the Staten Island ferry
Raises taxes; lowers pants

Harry Goldberg has been elected the next president of the United States-the first Jewish boy to reach the Whitehouse.
He is very proud and phones his mother in New York to invite her to the inauguration. Harry: Momma, guess what! I've just been elected president, won't you come to my inauguration?
Mother: Harry! You know I hate trains. I can't face the journey all the way to Washington. Maybe next time.
Harry: Momma! You will take no train. Air Force One will collect you. The journey will be over in 30 minutes. Come to my inauguration, please.
Mother: Harry, I hate hotels. The non-kosher food! Nahh, maybe next time.
Harry: Momma! You will stay in the White House, a kosher chef to yourself. PLEASE come.
Mother: Harry! I have nothing to wear!
Harry: I have someone on his way to take you to Macy's and Bloomingdale's to make you look perfect. You must come!!!
Mother: Okay, okay, I suppose I will come.
Inaugaration day comes. Mother is on the front row, more...