Princes Jokes / Recent Jokes

There were three princes and they were all after this one princess. So the kings says "the
one who will marry my daughter is the one that fulfils these three tasks". The three tasks were
1)to swim a mile
2) to jump over a puddle that was 10 feet long and
3) to fuck a cow.
So the first prince, he tries to swim a mile, but as soon as he gets into the water (because he can't swim for shit). The second
prince, well he swims a mile and jumps over the 10 feet long puddle, but can't fuck the cow
(because he has no clue of what fucking actually is). Now, the third prince, he swims a mile,
jumps over the puddle, and he fucks the cow (and he fucked the cow real good). So, the kings say
"o. k., now you can marry my daughter". The third prince says, "forget your daughter, i want the

we all know how cinderella wanted to go to the ball but her wicked stepmother
wouldnt let her and then the fairy godmother pops up and gives cinderella
some good news: the fairy godmother tells cinderella that she will provide for her
everything she needs to go to the ball but only on 2 conditions. cinderella
asks what she needs to do and fairy godmother replies, "first yo must wear a
diaphragm" cinderella's mouth drops open and says, "you must be crazy!
im on the pill and i dont need to wear a diaphragm" the fairy godmother
reminds cinderella about all the handsome princes that will be attending the ball
that night and cinderella agrees to wear a diphragm. "well what's the second condition?"
the fairy godmother replies "you must be back home at 2AM" well cinderella
explains that if she is gonna party with the princes she wants to be out all
night long. the fairy godmother tells cinderella more...

The Immense Consequences
The death under any circumstances of a member of the Royal Family would be
a cause for sadness. Had anyone made a list of those whose death might
have been anticipated, Princess Diana's name would have been last on it,
hence the worldwide shock and outpouring of grief: disbelief, anger,
analysis, sadness and perhaps the reluctant beginnings of acceptance.
Strong emotions would have been triggered had any Royal been even slightly
injured in an accident. The sudden, total loss of Diana, Princess of
Wales in a violent car crash is one of the greatest national tragedies to
befall Britain since the Second World War.
The memory of August 31, 1997 will long remain in people's minds: first
we saw the gruesome wreckage of the Mercedes after hitting an underpass
wall at high speed following a reckless chase through Paris from the Place
Vendome to the Pont De L'Alma. By strange twists of fate, the more...