Oops Jokes / Recent Jokes

Britney Spears, Shaggy and Pink went on a hoilday and shared a hotel room with each other.
One night before going to sleep they heard someone do a fart.
Pink said: You make me sick,
Shaggy said: It wasn't me
Britney spears said: OOps i did it again

A man is recovering from surgery when a nurse asks him how he is feeling.
"I'm O.K. but I didn't like the four-letter-word the doctor used in surgery," he answered.
"What did he say?" asked the nurse.

1) When you get pulled over, say "What's wrong, officer, there's no blood in my alcohol?"
2) When he asks why you were speeding, tell him you wanted to race.
3) When he talks to you, pretend you are deaf.
4) If he asks if you knew how fast you were going, say no, my speedometer doesn't go that high.
5) Touch him.
6) When he asks why you were speeding, tell him you had to buy a hat.
7) Ask him where he bought his cool hat.
8) Refer to him by his first name.
9) Pretend you are gay and ask him out.
10) When he says no, cry.
11) If he says yes, accuse him of sexual harassment.
12) If the cop is a woman, tell her how ugly she is, but in a nice way.
13) If he asks you to step out of the car, automatically throw yourself on the hood.
14) When he asks you to spread them, tell him you don't go that way.
15) When he puts handcuffs on, say "Usually my dates buy me dinner first."
16) Ask to be fingerprinted with more...

On The Morning Of 9/11 Musharaff Calls Up Bush And Says, "I Am Really Sorry At The Great Loss To Your Country And I Deeply
Condemn This Act Of Destruction And I Also Assure You That We Had No Hand In It" Bush' "Hey! What Are You Talking About.
Musharaff'What Time Is It In America Now? Bush "8: 00 A. M" Musharaff "Oops Wrong Timing, I Will Call Back After One Hour.

Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.